Windmill Coffee Morning
Low Road Coffee Morning
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
At Low Road and Windmill Primary Schools we work together to ensure every child in every class achieves the best possible outcomes (academically, socially and emotionally)
We care about the development of the whole child. After all, happy, relaxed, confident children make better learners.
We have high expectations for all children. We believe that there is a way to help every child achieve more. We recognise that some children may need additional provision to support their individual learning needs.
In collaboration with parents, carers and with the support of external agencies, we aim for all children to make outstanding progress from their starting points.
We are fortunate to work alongside the JESS (Joint Extended Schools Services) Cluster team who are based on our Windmill site. JESS work with children and families to provide a comprehensive range of family support and therapeutic services across the Beeston, Belle Isle, Holbeck and Hunslet areas of the city, covering 12 Primary Schools, 2 High Schools and 5 Children’s Centres. JESS also work closely with partners, voluntary agencies and community and faith sector organisations (VCFS) in our cluster to ensure fully integrated working in an aim to reduce the necessity for statutory interventions from the local authority and improve outcomes for families.
Whilst Windmill is not resourced provision, we work incredibly hard to provide bespoke opportunities for our SEND pupils in each age phase, with a range of spaces tailored specifically to the needs of our pupils.
Information to support transition

At our Broomfield SILC Primary Partnership, we offer a broad, balanced and aspirational curriculum that’s personalised for our learners. Pupils can access mainstream in order to reach their potential and develop the appropriate social, academic and independence skills to prepare them for the next stage in their education and achieve their goals and aspirations.
Our partnership has two classrooms with an admission limit of 16 across the partnership. The partnership caters for pupils from Reception to Year 6 who have SEND. We have a higher ratio of staffing to pupils in order to cater for their needs and so that we can also offer support whilst attending mainstream sessions. Staff are highly skilled in areas such as Team Teach and SCERTS in order to support the communication and mutual/ self-regulation of the pupils. Mainstream sessions can range from short bursts at 30 minutes up to full morning/afternoon slots depending on the needs of the pupils. Each classroom has a fenced outdoor learning area that has access onto the main playground and additional break out/ calm spaces to support self-regulation.
Where appropriate pupils can access mainstream lessons like English, Maths, Science, PE or social times with one to one support from our class teams. Both classrooms are situated near to accessible toilets and our staff are trained to support your child with any personal hygiene and toileting routines.
Opera North delivers one session each week to our students enabling them to develop their musicianship skills and experience a variety of musical activities. Where appropriate, pupils may have opportunities to take part in small group instrumental tuition.
We use the Zones of Regulation and this is embedded into our routines allowing this strategy to become an integrated part of our curriculum and thus impacting on learning as pupils can self-regulate more quickly.
The Jane Considine approach is used within the Formal curriculum to ensure consistency in teaching and progression through the Key Stages. This programme ensures the development of pupils writing skills by teaching in a progressive manner.
White Rose Maths is used within the Formal curriculum and is differentiated to meet the needs of our students through the personalisation of activities and worksheets.
Read Write Inc. is used as a systematic synthetic phonics scheme to support early readers and writers and ensure progression in skills and pupils take part in dedicated daily phonics and reading lessons, as well as reading being embedded across the curriculum.
Pupils have access to mainstream provision in line with peers who are developing typically for their age. These interactions have a positive impact on both Broomfield and Windmill pupils, helping to develop social skills, self-esteem and an understanding diversity in the world around them. Access to mainstream inclusion ensures that pupils are well prepared for the next step in their educational journey, recognised accreditations and, if appropriate, full re-integration to mainstream education.