Inspiring lives every day
Our intent is to ensure that access to opportunities in the performing arts are powerful, and bring about increased aspirations and parental engagement as well as a wide range of skills for learning which are transferred across subject areas in school. Children will benefit hugely from the In Harmony Opera North programme where every child at the Music Federation will leave the school an instrumentalist, having received a weekly group lesson on one of nine orchestral instruments on offer, as well as a weekly class orchestra rehearsal and weekly year group choir session delivered by skilled practitioners from Opera North. It is our belief that children gain a range of widely transferable skills from learning a musical instrument to a high standard. Participating in regular, rigorous, music training and performance opportunities in both high profile performance venues such as Leeds Town Hall and across the Belle Isle and Hunslet communities will bring a wide range of benefits and develop the following skills and attributes within the pupil body at the Music Federation: strong communication skills (namely listening, teamwork and respect), confidence and self-worth, creative problem solving, adaptability and perseverance.